Don't Eat Here

DineSafe Data provided by Toronto Open Data
Search for restaurants in Toronto that were given "Conditional Pass" or "Closed" ratings after inspections. (last updated: April, 2022)

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A few interesting facts:

  • Highest number of Conditional Pass and Closures in August
  • Lowest number of Conditional Pass and Closures in January
  • Washrooms sanitation was the most common issue (Based on the number of reported infractions)
  • During the Covid-19 pandemic, the DineSafe dataset was smaller (~3500 conditional pass/failed inspections in August 2020, ~1000 in April 2022)

A WordCloud created from the infraction details (Bigger words carry more weight. ie: appeared more often in the infraction details). Note: This was created from old(er) data. The latest data doesn't provide infraction comments/details.